Saturday, March 7, 2009

Expanding the horse pasture - Perimeter Fencing...

So last year I did a survey of the corners of our property. Just do a search at the top of the blog and you can read all about it... it was quite an adventure - not to mention, it wasn't cheap.

But on the good side, we gained about 30 feet of pasture that our neighbor was using as yard.

It was time to finish up the fence that I started several months ago. (Ok, it was almost 6 months ago, but I was really busy.)

We got the fencing up and the Cowgirl wanted double stretchers so I need to get some more pressure treated 2x4's, but other than that, I think it's looking pretty good.

Perimeter Fence Building with the Cowgirl from ron upshaw on Vimeo.

The Cowgirl wanted to try a different style of construction on this perimeter fencing. Usually, I'd buy Simpson Strong Tie metal brackets and put the stretchers on with screws, but the horses like to itch themselves by leaning into the fence. So we beefed up the posts to 4x6 pressure treated and we're putting the stretchers on the face of the posts and using 3" nails. It was actually a lot easier to do than the brackets, and we'll see how it holds up.

I'm also going to re-purpose a 12 foot gate from the barn area to put in for road access. Just add that to the list.