Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bee Class...

I took an interesting beekeeping class this weekend through the Washington State Beekeepers Association.  It's part of the Master Beekeeping Certification Program.  I'd taken a similar class before but didn't bother to take the test last time.  This time I took the test to get the Apprentice status.  And no, Donald Trump wasn't there to say, "You're Fired!"

Shout out to the instructor David Pearson.  His beekeeping blog is
and his Honey Farm Website is if you're interested.

So I got inspired after the class and got the rest of frames assembled for my two new packages of bees that are coming next month.  Got another coat of paint on some stuff I'd been meaning to paint, and ordering some parts that I realized I need.

Here's the color of the hives this year... made this in Jan:

See You Next Time...
