Let's just say that the ol' tractor was straining to keep up with the amount of grass I was trying to mow. The exhaust was a lot darker than usual, and I had to open the engine up almost all the way to have enough speed on the blade to make it through the dense grass. It was pretty crazy out there:
I got about 3/4 of our front field done when the dashboard lights on the tractor lit up like the 3rd of July. I shut her down to this - major over heating
There was a lot of steam coming out the side of the engine. I went and got some anti-freeze this morning and filled it back up. I got through the front field pretty much, and started on an area we have out back before it over heated again. So I guess I've got about a 30 minute window of running the engine all the way open before things over heat.
Maybe I shouldn't wait till the grass is over my head to do this next time? Go Figure.
See You Next Time