Saturday, April 19, 2008

First Place at The Horse Show

We went to the horse show a few weekends ago. I'm just now catching up on all the blog posts. We were up at 5:30 in the morning to get down to the show on time. Had to swing by the big barn to pick up Squid the horse. She got a haircut down there.

All the horses thought they were getting an early breakfast, and were not too happy to see us when they figured out we didn't have any hay.

Gave the Squid a quick wash, put on her super-hero costume and we were ready to go.

I guess this thing is suppose to keep her warm and clean till we get to the show, but it always reminds me of a super hero costume. I want to paint an "S" on the side or something.

Here's Squid and The Cowgirl getting ready for the Halter division. She won first in the Arab, First in Pinto (she's half breed) and took First in the Champion's Class for Halter. Nice work ladies.

Here they are inside the ring.

Time for an outfit change, and put the saddle on.

We didn't do as strong in the riding division. Squid started acting up, and got distracted. Not her best showing.

Some friends of The Cowgirl - their daughter did well in the 15 and under division.

Good Times...